UGC & AICTE Warn Anna University Of Repercussions If Final-Year Examinations Are Not Held

UGC & AICTE Warn Anna University Of Repercussions If Final-Year Examinations Are Not Held

Chennai: The University Grants Commission (UGC) and All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) has urged Anna University to take a decision regarding conduct of final-year examinations keeping in mind the repercussions it may face in the event of violation of statutes.

UGC chairman D.P. Singh has advised the Vice-Chancellor of Anna University to take legal opinion as non-conduct of exams would amount to contempt of court, reported The Hindu.

“I advised him to take legal opinion in the light of the Supreme Court decision day before yesterday. Whatever is being done should be done as per the regulations, the ordinances and the statutes of the university. According to the Supreme Court the examination of the final year or the terminal semester is mandatory,” Singh told VC M.K. Surappa.

AICTE chairman Anil D. Sahasrabudhe, in a mail, warned the university that approvals would not be given to courses offered by the university if final exams are not held.

“I have warned that AICTE will not give approvals if AICTE and UGC circulars are not followed in respect of final year students and passing them with several backlogs,” Sahasrabudhe was quoted as saying.

On whether his warning would apply to all affiliated colleges or only the university departments and constituent colleges, Sahasrabudhe said: “The exams are conducted by the university, except the autonomous colleges, and hence shall affect almost all colleges.”

According to UGC guidelines, colleges and universities have to conduct final-year examinations for students to be awarded their degrees.

Even the Supreme Court has ruled that final-year exams will have to be held, if not by September 30, within an extended period.

AICTEAnna UniversityFinal examsrepercussionsUGC